What is our school all about?
Ysgol San Siôr is a very unique school. We strive to ensure that every child has every opportunity to succeed and be the best they can be each and every day.
Pob Plentyn, Pob Cyfle, Pob Dydd translates as just that –
Every Child; Every Opportunity; Every Day!
To make this happen we have a strong beating heart – our Calon San Siôr!
It is the very essence of our school life and sets out how our mission is lived out in practice. Every member of our family, from the youngest to the oldest, needs to understand what Calon San Siôr is all about and how they grow with it through all that we do.
Calon San Siôr identifies that we are a Christian community of learners. Everyone is welcomed, accepted and included. We work hard at building positive relationships that show respect and kindness to everyone. As a result, we have high levels of understanding and tolerance and will challenge any unkind or inappropriate behaviours towards others. We learn about the meaning of respect and look beyond our school gates to be active citizens within our local community, helping others wherever we can. This includes raising money for charities, both local and global, serving through simple acts of kindness and taking part in activities with other schools, neighbours, businesses and other local organisations – always aiming to act as a strong glue that holds people together.
Worship is a key feature of our school. We follow the teachings of Christ and recognise our very many blessings as well as understanding that God will be there to support us through the various challenges we will face along the way. Worship is our main vessel for learning about our relationship of faith and is carried out in a variety of ways. We work in partnership with the Bro Tudno Ministry team and particularly enjoy regular visits to Holy Trinity and San Tudno churches.
We celebrate and develop distinct Christian values coming from within Calon San Siôr. These are based on teachings from the bible where we are challenged to serve others with love and to aim to be fruitful in our endeavours. St Paul, in Galatians 5 verse 22 identifies nine key ‘fruits’ that we aim to demonstrate across our school. These are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Our Calon San Siôr recognises that we need to pay close attention to our learning – it emphasises how important it is for us.
We value each and every opportunity to learn and so therefore disruption is not tolerated. We understand that not everyone learns in the same way and at the same pace and so we focus on reaching the very best learning experience through different methods and pedagogies to encourage all.
As individual learners we recognise our strengths and preferences and build up effective skills to demonstrate independence, responsibility, resilience and confidence so that we are able to show progress in all things. Every day we get a little bit better at one thing or another and we’re happy to show this off! We can only achieve this success through perseverance and commitment to working hard and trying our very best.
The curriculum at Ysgol San Siôr steers our learning activities and experiences and is fully embedded in the principles of the Welsh National Curriculum Four Purposes where we work to become ambitious, capable learners; ethical informed citizens; enterprising creative contributors and healthy confident individuals.
We plan, deliver, assess and evaluate opportunities for all, making sure that we have an exciting learning journey that meets the needs and interests of all members of our family. We make sure that learning is a fun and memorable experience that builds up on firm foundations. We find effective ways of supporting ourselves and each other to minimise any barriers to learning. We recognise and celebrate successes in learning and enjoy sharing our journeys with our parents and carers.
Our key concept for demonstrating progress is ‘See it, Nail it, Use it, Move it.’ This means we will look at skills, ideas and knowledge, exploring them when we first come across them (See it). We will then copy and practice as needed until we can show confidence and competence in that area (Nail it). Our next step is to apply our skill, idea or knowledge in an effective way (Use it) before being able to draw upon this in further works without even realising we’re doing it (Move it).
Calon San Siôr leads us to opportunities to learn in different ways – always valuing active and practical methods to make sure that learning is permanent. We learn in real life contexts and with a view of real world situations. We learn about ourselves, how we grow, how our bodies work and how we think – understanding that we are each an amazing miracle of creation. We also learn about the world around us – both near and far. We maximise opportunities to experience the environments around us, respecting and assisting the natural world. We believe that looking after God’s creatures can teach us more than just good husbandry and so commit to provide experiences of live animals alongside us within our school.
Calon San Siôr encourages us to consider the importance of making positive and sustainable choices for our own future alongside the future of our planet.
Calon San Siôr highlights our National pride and the importance of our Welsh heritage and culture. We own our beautiful language and we want to increase the confident usage of it and so we make good use of daily opportunities to siarad Cymraeg. We value and explore the history of Wales and its people, engaging in literature, music, sports and other cultural festivals and opportunities to celebrate the diversity of talents all around us.
Calon San Siôr is what our school is all about – it drives all we do and makes us unique as a school.
In short…
C We are a Community of God’s special children, accepting and including all, building positive relationships that show respect and kindness to everyone.
A We are Attentive to our learning, showing independence, responsibility, resilience and confidence in our abilities to work hard and achieve progress in all things.
L We are excited to Learn through fun, innovative experiences that inspire all areas of our lives.
O We enjoy the Opportunity to learn about ourselves, our world and how to make good and sustainable choices for our future.
N We are proud of our National heritage, enjoying speaking our language and learning about and living our nation’s rich culture.
And this applies to…
‘Every Child; Every Opportunity; Every Day.’
‘Pob Plentyn; Pob Cyfle; Pob Dydd.’