Ethical, informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the World

The Potato Trap Project is an idea we had a number of years ago where we make pitfall traps out of potatoes and place them around the school to see what types of minibeasts we catch.
We have taken this idea further by inviting schools across the world to participate. At one point we had a school on every continent participating as well as a research station in Antarctica.
We share the results of our catches and appreciate the biodiversity of our planet.

Plastic is a big problem and a big concern to the children. We have stopped selling our eggs in 7-egg plastic bottles and the school has banned the use of single-use plastic bottles and bags.
Year 5 were given the task of planning work associated with plastic. Letters or 'Messages in Bottles' were sent to the Prime Minister highlighting the children's concerns. The children were delighted to receive letters from both Downing Street and from the Department of the Environment.
No matter how small we are we can all make a difference.
The children also conducted a beach clean and were fascinated to find a Marthon bar chocolate wrapper. Nothing remarkable about this until the children learnt that the brand name changed to Snickers 15 years ago. Meaning that the wrapper, still in pristine condition, had been drifting the oceans for 15 years!!

Inter-generation Project
At the end of the summer term, a group of Year 1 pupils visited Moorcroft Residential Home in Craig y Don. The aim of this visit was to establish an inter-generational partnership between the pupils and the elderly residents. We played games, read stories, did some drawing and even some dancing! It was a pleasure to see the residents enjoying themselves so much. One resident in particular who was not keen on interacting with others even joined in by the end with a huge smile on her face.
It has been heart-warming to see new friendships forged and the joy the pupils bring to the elderly residents.
This project will continue over the next few weeks.

Our carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide we release into the atmosphere as a result of heating and lighting our school.
We produce the equivalent of 38.5 tonnes of carbon each year. We are in the process of reducing our unavoidable carbon emissons (our carbon footprint) by offseting our carbon emissions against projects that do not have any carbon emissions. Often these projects also help local communities by providing employment, health improvement and improve biodiversity.
We will also reduce our carbon emissions by making simple adjustments eg using only lights that are necessary (see stickers on light switches), turning off heating when it's not needed, shutting windows and doors when the heating is on etc
The children chose the following projects that enable the school to be a Carbon Neutral School